Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends 無盡對決

秒速發貨 立即入帳

馬上充值無盡對決(Mobile Legends)! iOS和Android跨平台支付解決方案. 在台灣使用 LINE Pay, 信用卡, Gash 樂點卡購買星光會員,不需要註冊或登入,儲值完成後鑽石將立刻送達您的遊戲帳號內,這是沒有信用卡的最佳在線購買方式,馬上下載無盡對決 (Mobile Legends)

立即下載Mobile Legends!
Download on the App Store Download on Google Play


輸入用戶 ID

要找到您的用戶ID,請點擊遊戲主屏幕左上角的頭像。然後轉到“基本信息”標籤。您的用戶名顯示在您的暱稱下方。請在此處輸入完整的用戶ID,例如12345678(1234). To find your User ID, click on your avatar in the top left corner of the main game screen. Then go to the "Basic Info" tab. Your user ID is shown below your nickname. Please input the complete user ID here, e.g. 12345678(1234).






沒有信用卡也能立即購買無盡對決Mobile Legends Diamonds!<br><br>Buy Mobile Legends Diamonds with no credit card!

只需要幾秒鐘的時間就能購買無盡對決Mobile Legends的Diamonds! 首先選擇您要購買的商品,再選擇您喜歡的支付方式,然後再輸入您的email地址。接著完成付款後系統將會自動把商品配送到您的email信箱,您也將會立即收到遊戲中的 Diamonds

關於無盡對決Mobile Legends:
和您的朋友一起加入全新的5v5真人對戰MOBA遊戲,Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!選擇您喜歡的英雄,與昔日戰友組成精妙的隊伍搭配,10秒匹配,10分鐘一局。對線、打野、推塔、團戰,PC級的動作遊戲和MOBA遊戲的戰鬥體驗在您的手機上重現,點燃您的電競之心。

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang電競遊戲全新大作,用您的手指碾碎螢幕中的對手,奪取最強王者的榮耀光環。您的手機渴望著這場戰鬥! !

You're just seconds away from buying Diamonds for Mobile Legends! To complete your purchase, simply choose the voucher denomination that you want, and the payment channel through which you'd like to pay, and then enter your email address. You'll then be asked to complete the payment, and after doing so the top up information will be automatically emailed to you. You will receive your Diamonds in your game. !

About Mobile Legends: Join your friends in a brand new 5v5 MOBA showdown against real human opponents, Mobile Legends! Choose your favourite heroes and build the perfect team with your comrades-in-arms! 10-second matchmaking, 10-minute battles. Laning, jungling, tower rushing, team battles, all the fun of PC MOBAs and action games in the palm of your hand! Feed your eSports spirit!

如何儲值 Mobile Legends 無盡對決的鑽石?

我能夠送禮物給我的Mobile Legends無盡對決朋友們嗎?

我能夠在Codashop上面購買 和 暮光通行證 (Twilight Pass) 嗎
